Saturday, August 7, 2010


As you might imagine, Newport is an active town. The summers are pleasant and the sidewalks are filled with both locals and non locals looking for new ways to spend their money.

Our first evening in town we chanced upon the Navy band "Rhode Island Sound" which was giving a free concert in one of the city parks. They were actually quite good.

This is a way cool swing--modeled by a way lovely lady. If our yard had grass on it we would own this swing by now--I should have checked the price before I said that.

The seat is carved out of a tree trunk and branches make up the rest of the parts. Daniel Boone would be proud.

This had us looking for the perfect tree to make our own swing from.

Our second day in town we walked to "the other side" and walked a large portion of the Cliff Walk trail. This trail meanders around the shoreline offering spectacular views of the Sakonnet River and Rhode Island Sound. Turn your head 180 degrees and you see some quite impressive homes.

I think this guy had a good job.
At this point we are getting nervous about what that bird ate for lunch.

We kept thinking of our jogging days, and how awesome it would have been to have a trail like this to jog on.

Note to editor: I am aware that this segment has 2 sentences that end with a preposition. If Americans can take the u out of colour and harbour, can we not change the preposition rule as well. It would fit my speech pattern better. Or we could do a tea party or something.

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