Thursday, March 5, 2009

Big Majors

After the front blew through we made our way south to the west side of Big Majors Spot. This is popular anchorage with plenty of room for a lot of boats. It provides good holding as well as protection from winds without a westerly component. It is also a wet dinghy ride away from Staniel Cay. At least it's wet when the winds are twenty to twenty five.

Lisa was excited to wash clothes in the bucket for the first time. Yes, that is a plunger--a new one mind you. I had already been told that my shorts would be too hard to wash. I can wear long sleeve shirts and sweats if it snows, but now I'm told my T-shirts are too hard to rinse out. So I guess it's just bathing suits unless we are around a Laundromat.

We were able to get Internet access at Staniel Cay Yacht Club while we were there. It was very slow, but hey. No discount for slow either. They actually have a sign telling you to relax and have a beer while the satellite goes to work. We hiked all over Staniel Cay. It always feels great to walk after being on the boat for a while. We were able to buy two loaves of bread from a the lady in the yellow house while were there as well. Coconut bread is a big thing around here.

We went to the Isles General Store to look around. You can actually dinghy up to the store's dinghy dock, but we walked. There is very little food or candy in the stores. They get their supplies from the mail boat that comes around once a week, but we are never around at that time.

This is the view from the store, looking out at the dinghy route.

Bond. James Bond.  Or did the hat give it away? In the background is Thunderball Grotto. They tell me a James Bond movie was filmed here, as well as Splash. 

You snorkel into this big cave, which has a hole that lets light in from above. Once inside, I think you can stand up. Apparently there are a lot of fish looking for handouts. We wanted to snorkel there while we were anchored at Big Majors, but the weather never cooperated. We hope to do it at some time in the future.

Here's another picture of Thunderball Grotto.

In the background is Exuma Sound, close to Big Rock Cut.  In the foreground is the Weather Babe.

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